(Oh, and like the good Doc Rotwang I did take the time time to roll up a character, a scrappy little mutant raven called Edgar Allen Crow. Stats below the cut.)
MP3: Maria Schneider Jazz Orchestra, Scenes from Childhood: 1. Bombshelter Beast [album out of print - no downloads available]
MP3: Roland Kirk, Rip, Rig & Panic [Compact Disc - Download]
MP3: Pierre Dorge & New Jungle Orchestra, Absurd Bird [album out of print - no downloads available]Edgar Allen Crow
STR: 8
DEX: 11
CON: 13
INT: 10
WIL: 12
CHA: 7
HP: 47
AC: 6
Natural Weapon: Beak attack D 1d6-3
Aberrant Form (Enlarged Parts): Decided that enlarged and strengthened wings would allow Edgar a slow, clumsy flight, at a movement rate equal to his STRx10: 80'.
Dwarfism: only 1' tall, smaller even than his ancestral stock Corvus corax. +2 to hit targets human-sized & larger, -2 damage. +2 bonus to AC.
Mind Reflection: When affected by any mental attack, able to reflect it back at the attacker.
Heavy cloak (AC 8)
Brace of 4 daggers (all but ineffective due to his damage penalties, but he's not above using poison...)
Light Crossbow and 40 quarrels
Flask, flint & steel, mirror, spyglass
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